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The Circadian Calendar, Book II for cello, Op. 35
Date of Composition: 2016
Duration: c.20 Minutes
Commissioner: Maksim Velichkin
Program Notes: A circadian rhythm is any recurring biological process that is derived internally every twenty-four hours. These biological temporal rhythms [such as daily, tidal, weekly, seasonal and annual rhythms] are driven by a circadian clock. The term circadian comes from the Latin circa, meaning "around" (or "approximately") and diem or dies, meaning "day.” The Circadian Calendar was developed in collaboration with the cellist to whom the cycle is dedicated and has premiered each work, Maksim Velichkin. He challenged me, as the composer-in-residence of his monthly concert series Music @ MiModa, to write a one-page solo cello work for each concert. The catch; I cannot spend more than one day writing and engraving the piece. Thus The Circadian Calendar is a regular and recurring, almost biological compositional rhythm; it happens only one day, every month for one year.
Performance History:
-January 13th, 2016; January; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-January 13th, 2016; January; Track 16 Gallery; Culver City, California – 8PM
-May 18th, 2016; January-May; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-May 21st, 2016; January-May; Brand Associates Music Series; Brand Library & Art Center; Glendale, California – 2PM
-June 6th, 2016; June; Silver Lake Public Library; Silver Lake, California – 6PM
-June 8th, 2016; June; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-July 13th, 2016; July; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-August 10th, 2016; August; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-September 17th, 2016; January-May; Edendale Up Close; Edendale Public Library; Echo Park, California - 12PM
-September 19th, 2016; January-May; Silver Lake Public Library; Silver Lake, California - 7PM
-September 21st, 2016; May, June and September; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, CA – 8PM
-November 16th, 2016; October; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-December 7th, 2016; November and December; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, CA – 8PM
-March 8th, 2017; January, February & April; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, CA – 8PM
-March 11th, 2017; Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Sept; Edendale Up Close; Edendale Public Library; Echo Park, California - 12PM
-May 4th, 2017; Selections; Santa Monica Public Library; Martin Luther King Jr. Auditorium; Santa Monica, California – 7:30PM
-May 12th, 2017; February-April; Center Stage Strings; CSS Spring Music Festival; St. Anthony Retreat Main Chapel; Three Rivers, California – 8PM
-July 4th, 2017; January & May; Groupmuse; Private Home; Los Angeles, California – 4PM
-July 12th, 2017; February-April; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, CA – 8PM
-November 4th, 2017; Selections; Sound & Fury Presents Maksim Velichkin; Hollywood Piano Company; Burbank, CA – 2PM
-March 3rd, 2018; April; Edendale Up Close Concert Series; Edendale Public Library; Los Angeles, CA – 12PM
-March 6th, 2018; Selections; A Classical Evening; The Lyric Hyperion Café & Theatre; Silver Lake, California – 10PM
-September 9th, 2018; Selections; Silicon Beach Monthly Series; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church; Santa Monica, CA – 4PM
-October 3rd, 2018; Selections; Glendale Noon Concerts; Glendale City Church; Glendale, California - 12PM
-October 24th, 2018; Selections; Music at MiMoDa – Paper or Plastik Cafe; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-November 10th, 2018; Selections; Sound and Fury; Hollywood Piano Company; Burbank, California – 3PM
-March 30th, 2019; Selections; Edendale Up Close Concert Series; Edendale Public Library; Los Angeles, California – 12PM
-April 3rd, 2019; No. 9; Music at MiMoDa - Paper of Plastik Café; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-September 25th, 2019; No. 2, 4, 5, 6 & 10; Music at MiMoDa - Paper of Plastik Café; West Los Angeles, California – 8PM
-January 15th, 2020; Selections; Glendale Noon Concerts; Glendale City Church; Glendale, California - 12PM
-January 18th, 2020; Selections; Edendale Up Close; Edendale Public Library; Echo Park, California - 12PM
-May 6th, 2020; Nos. 4, 6 & 10; Glendale Noon Concerts - Livestream; Glendale City Church; Glendale, California - 12PM