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Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera for SSAATTBB Choir, Op. 10


Date of Composition: 2008; rev. 2012, 2022

Duration: 6 Minutes

Text: Anonymous       

Language: Mixed: Latin & English

Program Notes: 'Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera," a Motet, is based on an anonymous Latin text, which, to my understanding, has only been set before by Vivaldi.  It is written for a eight part SSAATTBB choir, and is full of rich harmonic movement that is meant to depict the struggle humanity has against the ever-pervasive evil that surrounds our daily lives. There are several contrasting moods and shifting colors to intensify the effect the text has upon the listener. Furthermore, the Motet is crafted with the utmost care and consideration for counterpoint among the many individual melodic lines and created with, I hope, smooth and conjunct movement for each singer, without compromising the works character.

Performance History:

-ORIGINAL VERSION: January 28th, 2017; Satellite Salon - Composition Conjuring; University of Southern Utah; Thorley Hall; Cedar City, UT – 7:30PM

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